01656 815720

Meadow Street, Aberkenfig, Bridgend, CF32 9BE


Early Years Setting

Our Early Years Setting is based at our Heol Persondy site, with spacious outdoor learning areas. It comprises of Nursery and Reception, with new Pre-Nursery children welcomed in January and April (following the child's 3rd birthday).

We love exploring our muddy kitchen, listening to stories in the willow tree den, growing our own fruits and vegetables, and toasting marshmallows on the fire. In October 2023, we opened 'Castell Logan' which is our uniquely designed wooden role play area. 

Dosbarth Afan - Nursery

Nursery is run alongside Reception, with children working on a carousel of activities throughout the day. We promote learners to be independent and take ownership of their learning. 


We also run a part-time nursery from January to the end of the school year, for children who turn 3 mid-way through the year. Children turning 3 between September and December are welcomed to our pre-nursery in January. Children turning 3 from January to the end of March are welcomed to pre-nursery in April. 

Applications can be completed on the BCBC website. Click here for more information. 


Dosbarth Cynffig - Reception 

Children also work on a carousel of activities in Reception, with a focus on experiential learning through play. We love our Read, Write, Inc. sessions and provide opportunities for learners to embed their skills through our enhanced learning areas.

We use White Rose Maths to further develop our maths skills, which focuses on hands-on experiences. 

Our topics are changed termly with the aim of providing exciting and authentic learning experiences. 

Here's what we are going to be learning this term. The pupils had the opportunity to say what they wanted to learn and how they liked to learn.